100 Happy Days 25/100, Quarter Way Mark

I’m pretty happy with the fact that I’ve kept up with this challenge for the last 25 days. It hasn’t been easy, there have been days where I’ve spent most of the day wondering what to write about, but I’ve noticed mostly positive side effects aside from that. I’ve even managed to make the majority of my posts more than one paragraph long which I’m hoping makes it more interesting for my readers.

I’m waking up happier. I’m not necessarily finding it easier to get out if bed, but mornings no longer seem like the worst thing that was ever invented. Maybe the third or fourth. Mornings have never been my friend, aside from when I was at the height of my healthy during my elimination diet, but just the fact that I’m finding them a tad easier is definitely worth noting.

I’ve been sick with a cold (again) for the majority of the challenge so far. I’ve had colds for more days of this year than I haven’t, but I’m feeling more alive this time round and less negative about the whole experience of being sick. I’ve also coped better with Bubble being sick as well which is a major improvement.

Life isn’t perfect at the moment and for most of the year I’ve dwelled on this. Post partum depression has a habit of clouding my judgment and making silver linings difficult to find, but I’ve noticed subtle changes in myself over the last couple of weeks. I don’t get angry as quickly. Not to say I’ve got an anger problem but my temper has been very short. Plus I’ve been enjoying the little things more, like my family time and taking stock of my blessings.

Today I had a baby shower to go to where I was only going to know two people. In the past when I’m in depression recovery going out to a situation like that would be just a no and I’d cancel at the last minute, pretending to be sick or double booked. To be fair, I did contact the mother first to make sure she was aware of my cold but I went and I even enjoyed myself. Plus I wore earrings for the first time since well before Bubble was born which was a nice feeling.

I’ve also managed to lose a few kgs without even trying. Obviously I’m eating better in order to do this, by I’m not looking at it as a huge daunting task and I’m even turning down chocolate at times which has always been something I’ve struggled with.

If the first quarter of the 100 Happy Days challenge is anything to go by, training my mind to think positively every day is going to have a great impact on me. I’m a bit nervous of finding 75 more days of material, but if the past 25 days are a good indication of what’s to come I know I’ll get through eat day, even if it is just a hurried blessings post at the end of some days.

Have you ever done this or a similar challenge before?

What’s something you are happy about today?

Do you think positivity is powerful?

Smiles and Sunshine


8 thoughts on “100 Happy Days 25/100, Quarter Way Mark

    1. It so does! It really shouldn’t be as hard as it is to be positive. To be fair once you change your thinking it’s easier but still

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  1. Hi I am not good at doing things like this over a long time but last year I did an art journal challenge which required me to do a page a week using a prompt, I actually managed to do 95% of the pages just missing a couple when I was away or really busy so that was positive for me and actually it was called “Colour Me Positive” and all the prompts were positive ones.I was pleased as it challenged me to do art as well as doing it for a whole year. So my answer is yes positivity is powerful.

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    1. It definitely can be hard to stick to things like this and 100 days is a long time! The art journal sounds lovely!


  2. What a great way to build up reserves of blessings for days that may not be so bright. Your words brought to my mind Psalm 37:4 — “Delight yourselves in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” ~ Delightfully, Tony

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